navigation found in 11 VIS Papers

Conf. Year Title
InfoVis 2015 SchemeLens: A Content-Aware Vector-Based Fisheye Technique for Navigating Large Systems Diagrams
VAST 2011 A visual navigation system for querying neural stem cell imaging data
InfoVis 2008 Rolling the Dice: Multidimensional Visual Exploration using Scatterplot Matrix Navigation
Vis 2007 LiveSync: Deformed Viewing Spheres for Knowledge-Based Navigation
Vis 2006 Composite Rectilinear Deformation for Stretch and Squish Navigation
InfoVis 2003 Edgelens: an interactive method for managing edge congestion in graphs
InfoVis 2003 Smooth and efficient zooming and panning
Vis 2002 Assisted navigation for large information spaces
Vis 2002 Evaluation of a multimodal interface for 3D terrain visualization
Vis 1999 A framework for assisted exploration with collaboration
Vis 1997 Constrained 3D navigation with 2D controllers